we’re on tv tonight!

i know, i know, i know. it’s been quite a long time since my last post. i apologize. not only to you, the reader, but also to myself. i just haven’t been able to concentrate on one topic long enough to sit down and blog about it. probably because so much has been going on in the world. once i have a perspective on something another crazy, unthinkable thing happens. and just like that – POOF – the blog i spent so much sleepy train time thinking about, is dated like a cd (you thought i would say 8-track didn’t you? despite my undeniable maturity and wisdom, i am not that old).

after reflecting on the reasons for my lack of new content, i decided to change the format a bit. at least for now. this post, and hopefully a few more throughout the month will feature a brief perspective on stories that are interesting to me. kind of like an aggregator of news that comes across as a late night monologue. at least, i hope it’s funny like that. now that i’ve said it, i feel terribly unfunny.  and of course, there will be a musical selection or 2 or 3 for your listening pleasure in keeping with tradition.

rooooock, skate… roll, bounce! the ajc reported the launch of a new broadcast network owned by martin luther king iii and former blacklanta mayor andrew young. it seems their initial programming will feature mostly black movies from back in the day.

the name of the network is “bounce” with the tag line “tv that moves you”. i must say, i’m not thrilled about the name or the tag line. it makes me think of dancing and i’m tired of “us” dancing for the world’s entertainment. part of me feels i’m being too uptight about it, but another part of me seriously questions the thought process behind a tv network coming out of the home of the bankhead bounce…

… calling itself bounce… more details can be found here. visit bouncetv.com.

nevertheless, this is exciting! especially given that comcast is also (claiming to be) committed to launching 10 new diversity focused cable networks. i’m very interested in seeing how the comcast nets play out. in the face of so many layoffs in the media industry, does this mean there will be 10 networks worth of jobs created? i somehow doubt that, but at the very least each net will need at least 1 or 2 dedicated people. maybe that’s an exaggeration, but given that workers have been doing twice as much since 2008, i’m sure resources will be pooled somehow to run all these new ventures. so all you boondocks loving, bet hating people, get your proposals together and shape up that resume! it’s time to walk the walk.

and just like that, i’ve written more than intended. this enough for its own post! there are some other links i still want to share, though. stay tuned for possible back to back posts. in the meantime…

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