this one? that one? i guess this one's the best one

i make that long, long walk down the hallway. bust a sharp left, another left, then right, and left again. i walk through the doors. the lighting is horrible. it is every time…

door number 1 – decent. but it’s the first door. probably the one everybody goes through.

door number 2 – musty funky smell. i’ll pass.

door number 3 – my usual preference, but i  have to be careful because the door doesn’t always stay closed.

door number 4 – who forgot to flush?

door number 5 – more funky smells. they flushed but managed to leave 2 pieces of two-ply on the floor.

back to door number 3. i’ll be careful and quick.

it’s the public bathroom stroll. a woman’s careful analysis of restroom facilities to determine which stall (if any, depending on how far you are from home) she will choose.

they say you can’t really catch anything from a toilet seat. the more dangerous germs coming up from flush mist after you do your business (provided you’re not the one that was just in door number 4), but if someone lacks the home-training to leave an area as they found it, then who knows what they were doing the night before that could rub off on you from the door handle or leap into your eye from the toilet paper holder?

so you go to the cleanest of stalls, but so does everybody else. and the stall that you refer to as “your” stall is really everybody’s stall and probably has more germs than door number 5. all because one person didn’t take the time to flush or pick up the two-ply that they dropped.  ugh!

here are a few tips for navigating el baño.

  • Rather than flushing the toilet with your bare hand, use your shoe. Everyone else is probably doing it.
  • After washing your hands, use a paper towel to shut off the faucet and to open the door on your way out, in order to keep from becoming contaminated, says Tierno.
  • Whenever possible, use a restroom stall with toilet paper that is almost completely covered in a metal or plastic holder, which will guard against splattering water and germs.
  • Use hot-air hand dryers with care. In order to feel the hot air, you might have to get very close to the vents. Don’t let your hands touch the surface of the vents, however, or you’ll risk contamination.
  • and more from webmd to keep in mind for your next trip to the pot.

    wash your hands often. that’s the best way to prevent illness. i say sing the abc’s as i wash my hands. this way they’re always fresh and clean!


    One thought on “this one? that one? i guess this one's the best one

    1. and what is the ‘stroll’ if there is another woman in one of the stalls? do you go to the one next to her or do you use the skip one and then go into one? what if she was in stall i go to stall #5 even tho there are 2 pieces of ply on the floor? or do i go the stall #1 in case she or i have to share toilet paper? or do i go to a diff floor to use the restroom? or do i hold it and go back to my desk and come back in 5 mins? damn you, bathroom etiquette!

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