health or horror hair

what physical attribute do women stress over the most? face? body? hair? i will admit, i have a sort of obsession with my hair. it requires constant thought. how will i wear it, when will i wash it, color it, cut it.

in my adult life i’ve been just as obsessed with but less motivated to care for my body (read shape, weight and dress size) through exercise. to my credit i have slowly but surely improved my diet, now eating like an adult instead of a 5 year old. but exercising regularly (read sweating) has not been a desire and dare i say a priority.

yes, i am one of those people that put her hair before her health. very much in denial about how much physical activity i actually need to be in shape, i’ve often chosen to have my hair look nice rather than work up a sweat and burn calories. my reasoning (i will refrain from calling this an excuse because i think it is a legitimate claim) goes beyond simply being lazy. it’s more like choosing between the lesser of two evils and focusing on the most efficient way to feel good about yourself.

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published today, but written last night

i said this wouldn’t be a daily account of my life. good thing i’m editor and chief because this post is based on something that happened to me today.

sooooo… this morning i went into work late. i had to wait on the super to turn the gas on and light the pilot in the stove. this was an extreme inconvenience for a sleepy grouchy krisirisi, but it did give me a chance to check a few things online (well, check the stats of the blog really), blend a dime size amount of foundation and apply some mascara before leaving. i planned to get drinks after work with a friend. a little makeup would complement my freshly washed, but not quite styled, hair.

my office is in a rather highly trafficked area. to get to the elevator you have to wade through lots of people. i do this swiftly and with great precision as many of these people are slow poke tourists or au pairs stuck with snotty nosed toddlers that can barely walk, and i am an impatient “new yorker”.

i passed a man wearing blue construction worker clothes. he had a hospital mask around his neck, but not covering his mouth. as he passed me he said “good morning beautiful”, or something to that effect. i was caught off guard, resulting in a smile. i looked back and he said something else. then i heard him say “you got 15?”. at this point i probably should have done what i usually do – ignore. but i looked back again with hesitation and that was all the invitation he needed.

Continue reading c.r.e.a.m.

go east young woman

i feel so blessed to have been born to a family that loves me and in a country that allows for as many babies as you can manage to pop out every 9 months (and girls at that!). of course there are stories of babies not being loved, but it’s nothing like what is sanctioned by the chinese government. as long as we keep the ocotomom types at bay, we’ll be able to continue to enjoy these freedoms. reports that there will be a bride shortage in china. i wish i could relate. can you imagine how the game would change?

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