the long walk (almost) home

it’s springtime! almost. spring officially starts on march 20th, but mother nature was kind enough to give us a preview today with temps up to 70 degrees! and with warmth like that, what new yorker can pass up an opportunity to spend some extended time outside?

i planned ahead and wore my sneaks to work. i also brought sweat pants to change into so that i’d be comfortable on my walk. the goal: walk from work in midtown east all the way home to bk. google maps said it would be a little over 8 miles.

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a typical morning of random happenings

there was really too much going on this morning.

there’s a guy i pass almost every day on my way to the subway and last week he kept telling me to smile. i’m not sure what made him notice me last week. i had seen him a number of times and he’d never spoken to me before. on saturday he saw me walking again and asked if he could walk me to the train. i laughed it off and kept it moving.

as i crossed the street i thought i was in the clear, but he ran up to me and started walking with me… all the way to the subway and downstairs. i quickly swiped my card and went thru the turnstile. i guess he thought we could talk thru the bars but i was like i’m going —> this way. see you on monday.

Continue reading a typical morning of random happenings

a day in new york (brief satc 2 review included)

my day went something like this…

10:00 am: argue with macy’s about free alterations i’m supposed to get with the millions of dollars i spend there.

2:00 pm: get measured for alterations in smelly men’s fitting room at macy’s. the woman cleaning out the fitting rooms actually sprayed air freshener. men really do stink.

3:oo pm: late lunch on the upper west side at the heights. good time catching up with my friend. then she remembered she had to pick up her child from day care. i know not of that kind of responsibility. 🙂

4:30 pm: wander about the uws. successfully avoided making a new friend while sitting on a bench passing time.

7:00 pm: SATC 2 Time! another friend got vip tickets to a showing at the ziegfried. women of all ages came out with their gal (and gay) pals to enjoy the show. virgin cosmos were served. it was the first time i witnessed shoes get a round of applause. i didn’t bawl through the whole movie this time, but i really did enjoy it. they hit the nail on the head once again with the perfect mix of friendship, relationships and new yorkiness. how cool is it to see a film in a theatre featured in the movie? my favorite quotes were from samantha- “i will ROCK that dress!” and “Lawrence of my Labia”.

Continue reading a day in new york (brief satc 2 review included)