
published today, but written last night

i said this wouldn’t be a daily account of my life. good thing i’m editor and chief because this post is based on something that happened to me today.

sooooo… this morning i went into work late. i had to wait on the super to turn the gas on and light the pilot in the stove. this was an extreme inconvenience for a sleepy grouchy krisirisi, but it did give me a chance to check a few things online (well, check the stats of the blog really), blend a dime size amount of foundation and apply some mascara before leaving. i planned to get drinks after work with a friend. a little makeup would complement my freshly washed, but not quite styled, hair.

my office is in a rather highly trafficked area. to get to the elevator you have to wade through lots of people. i do this swiftly and with great precision as many of these people are slow poke tourists or au pairs stuck with snotty nosed toddlers that can barely walk, and i am an impatient “new yorker”.

i passed a man wearing blue construction worker clothes. he had a hospital mask around his neck, but not covering his mouth. as he passed me he said “good morning beautiful”, or something to that effect. i was caught off guard, resulting in a smile. i looked back and he said something else. then i heard him say “you got 15?”. at this point i probably should have done what i usually do – ignore. but i looked back again with hesitation and that was all the invitation he needed.

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