the long walk (almost) home

it’s springtime! almost. spring officially starts on march 20th, but mother nature was kind enough to give us a preview today with temps up to 70 degrees! and with warmth like that, what new yorker can pass up an opportunity to spend some extended time outside?

i planned ahead and wore my sneaks to work. i also brought sweat pants to change into so that i’d be comfortable on my walk. the goal: walk from work in midtown east all the way home to bk. google maps said it would be a little over 8 miles.

Continue reading the long walk (almost) home

health or horror hair

what physical attribute do women stress over the most? face? body? hair? i will admit, i have a sort of obsession with my hair. it requires constant thought. how will i wear it, when will i wash it, color it, cut it.

in my adult life i’ve been just as obsessed with but less motivated to care for my body (read shape, weight and dress size) through exercise. to my credit i have slowly but surely improved my diet, now eating like an adult instead of a 5 year old. but exercising regularly (read sweating) has not been a desire and dare i say a priority.

yes, i am one of those people that put her hair before her health. very much in denial about how much physical activity i actually need to be in shape, i’ve often chosen to have my hair look nice rather than work up a sweat and burn calories. my reasoning (i will refrain from calling this an excuse because i think it is a legitimate claim) goes beyond simply being lazy. it’s more like choosing between the lesser of two evils and focusing on the most efficient way to feel good about yourself.

Continue reading health or horror hair