it’s my party! link to birthday party invite included

yes, that's me in a box. a typewriter box. that would be a qxy intelligent typewriter box made by exxon. it's so old exxon's trademark expired 10 years ago and, as you may have guessed, the product is rather obsolete.

well folks, the countdown to 30 is almost over.

i’ve been a little busy and couldn’t pull together as many ’30 blanks until 30′ events as i had hoped, but i have decided to do a little something for this tragic momentous occasion.

all in all i’m content with where i am today. i’ve been blessed with a loving family, gnarly friends, good health and the opportunity to pursue my personal and professional goals. i cannot complain about the hand i’ve been dealt (although i will complain about a bunch of other stuff) and i look forward to what the next 60 or so years will bring (being on this earth for 100 years is not necessary unless i’m in ridiculously good shape).

i’m a little peeved that my birthday isn’t included in the NYT On This Day list as an event or as a celebrity birthday… gotta work on that for 2020. but i do have 2 degrees to keep me warm. that should count for something, right?

at any rate, i figured i would look back and regret spending the day in my hot ass apartment all by myself, so without further ado here is:

Continue reading it’s my party! link to birthday party invite included

damn near 30

the following note was originally posted on facebook in february 09. i figured it was time to revisit as i announce 30 weekends before 30! shout out to the 80’s babies hitting the mark this year and ’81 babies that snuck into school with us.

my mother likes to say to me “you’re damn near 30”. well, maybe she’s only said it a few times, but just hearing her say it is funny. and the fact that she used the word “damn” in a conversation with me is evidence that… dammit i am damn near 30.

but that’s ok. here are somethings that make me happy about almost reaching the milestone birthday.

1. after a late night i can come home and eat. fast food isn’t my only option. as long as i’ve made a recent trip to the store i’ll have leftovers… or i can whip something up rather quickly.

2. i can come home to solitude (fortunately or unfortunately) and sleep in my own comfy bed. thanks but no thanks for the offer to crash on somebody else’s couch or futon after a late night. i’ll catch a cab to the crib.

Continue reading damn near 30