one shining moment

the ball is tipped…

the 2010 ncaa championship game was something else! of course, not as good as the 2009 win by the tarheels, but the bulldogs put forth a great effort. and my overall (ridiculously biased) assessment is that dook didn’t win, they just didn’t lose. big difference.

i couldn’t bear to watch the blue devils receive their trophy, so i turned to blogging. i may or may not turn back in time for the tournament montage, which will be sung by jennifer hudson this year… yeah… i’m not too happy about that either. stab me with the knife and then turn it, right?

i thought i’d share with you all the previous versions of one shining moment. although i remember the teddy p. version, i’m partial to luther. and while it was nice of them to do a remake with j-hud, just in the 30 second snippet below i think she’s over doing it. here are the 4 versions of the song in order. starting with the composer, david barrett.

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