from jheri to george

today a man with a jheri curl, leather coat and sun glasses (he was wearing shoes, jeans and a shirt too) walked into the subway station exclaiming the he was the smartest man ever and that he had more degrees than anybody in the world. for some reason i got into the second car when the train came. he did the same and continued his rant about how smart he was and how dare somebody else say something to him when they didn’t even have a ged. at one point he seemed to be addressing a girl who was minding her business on the train. poor thing. she looked so confused. but after briefly pausing her ipod she realized he was mad and ignored’s funny how someone can say something over and over again but somehow you still don’t remember what they said. after the part about the degrees he would say that he could have been… and that’s what i can’t remember. as i was standing on the train i was saying to myself – this will make for a humorous facebook update. and i started to take mental notes of the situation. but then i couldn’t remember what occupation he claimed that he could have had. supreme court justice? astronaut? it was something very prestigious. but for the life of me i couldn’t remember the last part of his diatribe. so, i just kept going through jobs, then i thought – president! you have to be smart and have multiple degrees to be president of the united states. barack obama is super smart!

then i thought, uh, wait… george w. bush… there goes that theory. all i could do was shake my head at my own thoughts. 2 years after we voted for change, 10 years after gwb won his first term, i’m still baffled at how this man was elected. and then re-elected! even more astounding! how did people elect one of the least intelligent people in the world to the office of president of the united states?

and do you know how I know he was rocking a jheri curl? I know because he addressed it in his rant. It’s all getting fuzzy. like when you want to remember a dream and can’t, but it’s probably for the best because it’s more important to live in the here and now than in your twisted dreams…

thank you for entertaining my stream of consciousness. and now some funny videos…

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