shrooms brought me here

tonight’s dinner brought me out of retirement. it was that good. the backstory is too long for a facebook post, so here’s some stream of consciousness that you may or may not enjoy.

it all started with yesterday’s lunch. i ended up at the hibachi truck. the vegetable medley included mushrooms. the mushrooms had such a good taste! when i went to the store that evening i got chicken and mushrooms (among other things). when i got home i seasoned the chicken with terriyaki sauce, ground pepper, garlic powder and onion powder. this was after pulling that annoying white bone gristle thing from each strip, which left some of them sort of… not in tact. i decided this would be stir fry chicken and cut them into big chunks. i figured i could cook the chicken the next day and have dinner plus some left over to throw in the salads that i also made (go on with my food prepping self, i know, i know).

when i got home tonight i thought “hmmm, what shall i have for dinner??? i’m not really that hungry after having a heavy lunch, but when has that stopped me before?” so to the fridge i went.


the long walk (almost) home

it’s springtime! almost. spring officially starts on march 20th, but mother nature was kind enough to give us a preview today with temps up to 70 degrees! and with warmth like that, what new yorker can pass up an opportunity to spend some extended time outside?

i planned ahead and wore my sneaks to work. i also brought sweat pants to change into so that i’d be comfortable on my walk. the goal: walk from work in midtown east all the way home to bk. google maps said it would be a little over 8 miles.

Continue reading the long walk (almost) home

2010 reflection

me reflecting more reflecting
delightful reflections

in the past i’ve written posts (pre on myspace and facebook) reflecting on the year with multiple observations about what i’ve learned. however, this year i only have one lesson worth sharing. it sums up so much of what has happened  in the lives of friends and loved ones and for me personally.

it’s an unexpected theme, but one that i am thankful for. simply put, this year (really as of thursday) i realized that –  things get better. (yes, that is similar to the slogan for a recent campaign to help gay teens, but no, i’m not coming out. lol.)

Continue reading 2010 reflection

from jheri to george

today a man with a jheri curl, leather coat and sun glasses (he was wearing shoes, jeans and a shirt too) walked into the subway station exclaiming the he was the smartest man ever and that he had more degrees than anybody in the world. for some reason i got into the second car when the train came. he did the same and continued his rant about how smart he was and how dare somebody else say something to him when they didn’t even have a ged. at one point he seemed to be addressing a girl who was minding her business on the train. poor thing. she looked so confused. but after briefly pausing her ipod she realized he was mad and ignored him. Continue reading from jheri to george

your ass is in my face

there are rules that people live by in a civilized society. and although some might say that new york city is a zoo, i find that most of the time, people conduct themselves in a civilized manner. in fact, more often than not, new yorkers are quite orderly. for a metropolitan area of nearly 20 million people it’s rather awesome that things run as smoothly as they do.

well, civil order was challenged today. i will tell you how.

Continue reading your ass is in my face