go east young woman

i feel so blessed to have been born to a family that loves me and in a country that allows for as many babies as you can manage to pop out every 9 months (and girls at that!). of course there are stories of babies not being loved, but it’s nothing like what is sanctioned by the chinese government. as long as we keep the ocotomom types at bay, we’ll be able to continue to enjoy these freedoms.

cnn.com reports that there will be a bride shortage in china. i wish i could relate. can you imagine how the game would change?

Continue reading go east young woman

singing for lard

we’ve all seen that new mcdonald’s commercial. you know the one with the girl rapping in the van? yeah, i would really like for us to stop eating mcdonalds and singing about it in 2010. BUT, i do have to give this artist some credit for using her talent for a big payoff (can you say national syndication?).  i hope the folks at dollar van demos got some extra $$ for the creative concept.

note: dollar vans (now $2, i hear) go along the nyc bus route and take people from place to place. i don’t remember them in bx, but they litter flatbush ave in bk.



putting it to bed

no more forwards, no more facebook or messageboard posts on the topic. below you will find my 7-point response to the rather viral nightline clip about black women and our dating “woes” and the ludicrous assertion that we should be taking advice on life and love from a comedian (a not so funny one at that). advice from comics should stop at – take life less seriously and laugh a little.

in case you haven’t seen it (please scroll down and don’t give it any more hits if you have) …

[the video has been deleted from youtube since my original post]

1. although true, this is one story we can leave in 2009 along with the gosselins, sarah palin and tiger’s 100 mistresses. it returns in one form or another every 6-8 months and guess what? the story hasn’t changed for at least the last 10 years. mainstream media loves to report on this (watch it more than once and you’ll notice the smirk on mcfadden’s face). sistas are doing so well all they can do is scare us into thinking we’ll never find love. really? come harder, please.

Continue reading putting it to bed

here we go!

ugh. everybody has a blog. does the world need more blogs? hmmm…

now that i’ve decided to start blogging i seem to have a sudden case of writer’s block. i guess this inaugural post is just to let everyone know i’m here. i’m shooting for weekly posts. most likely a round-up of news and gossip that i find interesting. maybe an aggregate of facebook updates/posts and a rant or 2 if something really gets me going. i’ll also feature music that i like on a regular basis. if nothing else, there will be a link to an oldie but goodie that you can add to your ipod rotation. if i get bold there might even be video someday.

the theme, colors, font and header image will likely change a few times, but hopefully the content will give you a very steady dose of thoughtfulness and funny.

ugh. everybody has a blog. does the world need more blogs? well… yes. the world needs 1 more blog. my blog. stay tuned!