fbi inquest into fast food corporations

my latest “Top 5” facebook quiz got me thinking about my old stomping grounds back in north carolina. i chose miami subs as my #1 fast food joint. the pink flamingo provided a rare interaction for me – a reciprocal relationship. i gave them money, they gave me weight…

but miami subs was also the scene of one of my most memorable moments in north cack.(cue sankofa)

woooo. i can’t type for laughing, but here it goes…

Continue reading fbi inquest into fast food corporations


it’s been a few days since my last post. that doesn’t mean i don’t love all of my faithful krisirisi readers, it’s just been a bit too hectic to collect my thoughts.

a rundown of the last few days in no particular order:

a rousing state of the union address

a president taking on a room full of opposition leaders chomping at the bit, and sending them home, tails wagging

cold weather

no hot water

leno on oprah

oprah’s birthday

cute puppies on oprah

ice skating

indignant bootleg subway performers

Continue reading sunny

don't call us, we'll call you

another facebook repost. enjoy!

i was almost impressed when i saw the intern candidate waiting in the receptionist area. he was wearing rectangle framed glasses and 2 pieces of a 3-piece suit. the suit was brown. brown tweed. his shirt was striped. and let’s not forget the big thick, not quite ascot tie.

Continue reading don't call us, we'll call you


published today, but written last night

i said this wouldn’t be a daily account of my life. good thing i’m editor and chief because this post is based on something that happened to me today.

sooooo… this morning i went into work late. i had to wait on the super to turn the gas on and light the pilot in the stove. this was an extreme inconvenience for a sleepy grouchy krisirisi, but it did give me a chance to check a few things online (well, check the stats of the blog really), blend a dime size amount of foundation and apply some mascara before leaving. i planned to get drinks after work with a friend. a little makeup would complement my freshly washed, but not quite styled, hair.

my office is in a rather highly trafficked area. to get to the elevator you have to wade through lots of people. i do this swiftly and with great precision as many of these people are slow poke tourists or au pairs stuck with snotty nosed toddlers that can barely walk, and i am an impatient “new yorker”.

i passed a man wearing blue construction worker clothes. he had a hospital mask around his neck, but not covering his mouth. as he passed me he said “good morning beautiful”, or something to that effect. i was caught off guard, resulting in a smile. i looked back and he said something else. then i heard him say “you got 15?”. at this point i probably should have done what i usually do – ignore. but i looked back again with hesitation and that was all the invitation he needed.

Continue reading c.r.e.a.m.


New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress) 3/2/65
dr. king would have been 81 this past friday, but we celebrate his life today.

the holiday in his name is one that is celebrated differently by different people. some do service, some go skiing, some go hunting…

i like to listen to his “i have a dream” speech and stevie’s rendition of “happy birthday” at least once as i reflect on how far we’ve come, how far we’ve left go and  my role in continuing the dream.