be mine, valentine pt. 2

this story kind of goes down as one of those, live, learn, reflect… then slap your former self periods of life. based on what i experienced i could make negative generalizations about the men who are/do the following: cancers (june to be more exact), 6’4″, have non-gender specific first names, have first names as last names, are only children, tell jokes, call me by my government name, dream (too) big…

but i won’t.
Continue reading be mine, valentine pt. 2

be mine, valentine pt. 1

february 14th. how has this day come to be such a polarizing day? women yearn for tokens of affection while men cringe at the very thought.

valentine’s day is the final obstacle of the winter love tunnel. every new couple is challenged by this journey if they are dating any time after halloween and before martin luther king day. winter what? yeah, i just made it up. let me explain…

a man and woman enter the tunnel at thanksgiving. here you are still guided by the light behind you and there’s very little pressure. if either wants to turn back, do it now! but if you’re going to give it a try, a simple call, text or “happy turkey day!” at the end of an email is enough to get you through this stage. the least romantic and most fattening of holidays, a new couple can easily get through it with modest expectations.
Continue reading be mine, valentine pt. 1