chicken marsala

greetings krisirisi readers! welcome to my first recipe post. these will be rather unconventional in style. i don’t really like to measure things and i combine different recipes i find online to fit my needs. so no 2 cups of this and tablespoon of that.

in my attempt to expand my horizons and try new things, i decided to cook a new dish this evening. chicken marsala. i’ve had it at restaurants but never attempted to make it myself. not a big mushroom person, i tend to think of them as a fungus. but i realized that when i have had them they taste alright and i haven’t gotten sick, so why not?

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one shining moment

the ball is tipped…

the 2010 ncaa championship game was something else! of course, not as good as the 2009 win by the tarheels, but the bulldogs put forth a great effort. and my overall (ridiculously biased) assessment is that dook didn’t win, they just didn’t lose. big difference.

i couldn’t bear to watch the blue devils receive their trophy, so i turned to blogging. i may or may not turn back in time for the tournament montage, which will be sung by jennifer hudson this year… yeah… i’m not too happy about that either. stab me with the knife and then turn it, right?

i thought i’d share with you all the previous versions of one shining moment. although i remember the teddy p. version, i’m partial to luther. and while it was nice of them to do a remake with j-hud, just in the 30 second snippet below i think she’s over doing it. here are the 4 versions of the song in order. starting with the composer, david barrett.

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the district

rakim – it’s been a long time, i shouldn’t have left you….

but i had to! things have been crazy. i mean c-r-a-z-y. a lot has happened, but unfortunately a lot of is too personal to post on my blog at this time. it will be posted one day, but not quite yet.

i made a trip down to our nation’s capital. fun town. clean town. i saw the white house, the capital, the cannon building, the floor of the lower house (we sat in the gallery and listened to them argue), a slew of congressmen/women and president obama!. that was a loooong day. but absolutely worth it. after all these years of visiting D.C. i hadn’t taken the time to do the serious tourist thing.

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tulips are officially my favorite flower. roses and lillies are nice too. not like i’m deflecting flower deliveries. 🙂

not much else to say today except that it’s been a VERY long week. here’s some feel good music to bring in the weekend. if this isn’t enough, check out the mixpod player to the right ——>
it’s a very cool widget that allows you to make your own playlist from youtube. enjoy!

be mine, valentine pt. 3

be sure to read pt. 2 before continuing

the next 24 hours involved an ambulance, hospital and me realizing i knew nothing about him. couldn’t recall his address, didn’t know who to contact. i’m pretty sure i called his cousin and apparently his mother because when he came to in the hospital he said “why did you call my mother?” hmmmm.
Continue reading be mine, valentine pt. 3