why new yorkers talk to themselves

originally posted as a facebook note on june 8, 2009


today was a long day. work, dance class and a brief stop at whole foods. by 9:30 i just wanted to go home.

i went to catch the 1 train. while i’m on the 1 train i see the 2 train pass by. the 2 train is my train home and i was going to transfer at the next stop.

the 1 train pulls into the 42nd street stop. i see the doors open on the 2 train. people are getting off the 2 train. people are boarding the 2 train. the 1 train stops. i get up and stand by the doors, ready to dash across the platform to catch my train. but noooooooo!

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why can’t black people like fried chicken?

there are some things black people just can’t do or say around white people.

one of those things is referencing or being seen eating fried chicken.

in an often feeble attempt to counter stereotypes, black people, particularly in corporate america, do their best to distance themselves from anything that has ever been perceived as being stereotypically “black” in behavior or condition. this includes, but is not limited to, eating fried chicken, eating watermelon, listening to rap music, using slang, speaking loudly while on the phone and not knowing your father.

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get your learn on, maybe

ok, all jokes about atlanta’s proclivity to certify more strippers than readers aside… the reports of such widespread cheating in the atlanta public schools are a travesty. that said, these issues probably are not unique to ATL. we often hear of teachers “teaching the test” instead having the freedom to teach the way they see fit. it’s probably safe to say that the mandates set forth by no child left behind have contributed to the current state and continued decline of our nation’s public schools. by tying pay to student performance, they’ve managed to leave hundreds of children behind. part of a master plan? hmmmm… Continue reading get your learn on, maybe

no money, mo problems

mo’ money, mo’ money… the government needs permission to raise its credit card limit. ok, it’s more serious than paying down your amex… it could cause a global recession if the treasury can’t raise enough money to pay its loan sharks (like your grandma’s SS check and the trillions of dollars we owe to china).
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