a typical morning of random happenings

there was really too much going on this morning.

there’s a guy i pass almost every day on my way to the subway and last week he kept telling me to smile. i’m not sure what made him notice me last week. i had seen him a number of times and he’d never spoken to me before. on saturday he saw me walking again and asked if he could walk me to the train. i laughed it off and kept it moving.

as i crossed the street i thought i was in the clear, but he ran up to me and started walking with me… all the way to the subway and downstairs. i quickly swiped my card and went thru the turnstile. i guess he thought we could talk thru the bars but i was like i’m going —> this way. see you on monday.

so this morning i saw him again and he gave me his card and said to call him. it has auto repair on one side and dj services on the other.

once i got on the train this woman with a fur coat, pink lipstick and a ridiculously large bag was sitting across from me. she was studying a pamphlet about civics for the naturalization test.

then the train was delayed due to a “sick passenger”. after the second announcement the fur coat said ” so help the passenger and let’s get moving!”

then there was a man sitting next to her who kind of looked like a heavy lou gossett jr. he kept looking at me. at first i smiled a half smile. but then he kept staring. i always thought people were being extreme when they lashed out at someone just for looking at them, but i understand it now. wtf are you looking at?

the train finally got to the next stop. the fur coat got up and let someone sit down. then the man who had been staring at me offered fur coat a seat. she said “no no no” then “you’re so sweet”. then proceeded to walk over and hug him.

so bizarre.

then she went back and leaned over him again. i’m not sure if she kissed him or was whispering. but it was way too much.

fur coat got off at the next stop. i don’t think we should make her a citizen. we have enough weirdos.


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